30 Spanish Quotes About Life, Love & Family

by | Apr 19, 2024 | quotes

A new language is always intriguing to learn. Finding out how others who think and speak in a different language convey concepts that you might express differently in the language or languages you are already familiar with is fascinating.

You can gain an intriguing understanding of how language shapes a speaker’s psyche through quotes and proverbs.

Additionally, you might pick up a few tips that will help you in your life when you speak English!

Spanish Quotes About Life

To grasp why we are here, it is necessary to look closely at the popular sayings of life and reflection.

Similar to how significant expressions can be found in English and other languages, Spanish has a wealth of thought-provoking proverbs that have the power to change your viewpoint.

inspirational spanish quotes

“Escribe lo que no debe ser olvidado.” – Write what should not be forgotten. – Isabel Allende.

Quotes in Spanish About Family

inspirational spanish quotes

“La familia es la base fundamental de nuestra sociedad.” – Anónimo 

“Family is the fundamental basis of our society.”

“La familia es donde comienza la vida y el amor nunca termina.” – Anónimo

“Family is where life begins and love never ends.”

“La familia es la mayor riqueza que uno puede tener en la vida.” – Anónimo

“Family is the greatest wealth one can have in life.”

“La familia es un refugio en un mundo despiadado.” – Christopher Lasch

“Family is a refuge in a ruthless world.”

“El amor de una familia es el mayor regalo que uno puede tener.” – Anónimo

“The love of a family is the greatest gift one can have.”

inspirational spanish quotes

“La familia es como las ramas de un árbol, todos crecemos en direcciones diferentes pero nuestras raíces siguen siendo las mismas.” – Anónimo

“Family is like the branches of a tree, we all grow in different directions, but our roots remain the same.”

Spanish Quotes About Life and Love

These short Spanish sayings convey important lessons that you can use in your daily life. You can gain something from these quotes whether you memorize them, are already fluent in Spanish and can read them, or just remember the English translation!

inspirational spanish quotes

“Al mal tiempo, buena cara.”
“To bad weather, good face.”

This phrase can be interpreted as “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” It means that you should face challenges head-on and with a good attitude.

“La verdad adelgaza, pero no quiebra.”
“The truth can be stretched thin, but it never breaks.”

Literally, this phrase means “The truth can be slimmed down but it doesn’t crack.” The idea in this proverb is that there is a sliver of truth in everything, even if the truth has been changed so much that it’s barely there any more.

“La belleza que atrae rara vez coincide con la belleza que enamora.”
“The beauty that attracts rarely matches the beauty that makes you fall in love.”

This remark is applicable to more than just passionate love. It basically means that the beauty that first drew you in is rarely the same as the beauty that sustains your interest over time. For instance, you might have been drawn to makeup art because of its elegance but also because it makes you feel at ease and relaxed. The beauty of it is that it turns into your meditative state, which is what keeps you in love.

“Los ataques de risa con los amigos son vida.”
“Laughing attacks with friends keeps me alive.”

Spending moments with your pals laughing uncontrollably, perhaps even without any apparent reason, is invigorating. You genuinely feel more alive when you’re carefree and at ease around the ones you love!

inspirational spanish quotes

“Uno siempre vuelve a los lugares donde amó a la vida.”
“You always return to the place where you loved life.”

You always look for the places that used to make you happy, whether they are actual locations in space, a particular kind of location like a farm or library, or a person. This concept is followed in the song “Las Simples Cosas” by the recognition that the things you cherish are conspicuously missing from your everyday existence. You need to go look them up.

“El amor hace la revolución.”
“Love makes revolution.”

This expressive quote is meant to inspire hope and change. Literally, a love revolution!

“La única persona que necesitas en tu vida, es aquella que demuestra que te necesita en la suya.”
Translation: “The only person you need in your life is the one who shows that he needs you in his.”

If you’re ever in doubt about who is actually important in your life, remember this quote.

“Eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida.”
Translation: “You’re the most beautiful chance that ever came into my life.”

This is a romantic quote you can learn to say to your sweetheart. It means “I’m so glad we met. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“En esta vida no hay nada como un buen amigo.”
Translation: “In this life, there’s nothing like a good friend.”

Above all, friends are the people you can always count on to support you throughout trying times, listen to you when you need it, and always have your back. This quote is appropriate for anyone you feel close to in your life, which includes your family and significant other.

Motivational Spanish Quotes

There are countless motivational and inspirational quotes available in all languages. The fact that the concepts were initially written in a different language may perhaps inspire you even more. These meaningful Spanish quotations can be added to your collection of favorite motivational sayings.

“Haciendo y deshaciendo se va aprendiendo.”

“It’s by doing and undoing that we learn”

This quotation conveys the idea that learning happens via experience. To truly learn and advance, you have to make mistakes and work things out.

inspirational spanish quotes

“El arte de vencer se aprende en las derrotas.”

“The art of winning is learnt through defeats.”Simón Bolivar, a soldier who assisted in securing South America’s freedom from Spanish colonial power, is credited with saying this. Thus, if anyone is capable of learning from failure and succeeding in life, it’s the one who gained the power to free nations and ascend to the presidency.

Tener un piano no te hace pianista.”

Translation: “Having a piano doesn’t make you a pianist.”

This quote can come across as caustic at first. But that just means that, no matter how good you seem, you will never be more than an amateur if you don’t put in the work to truly learn. It’s definitely not what you want to be a pretend expert on a subject you truly don’t know much about!

“Deja de buscar la felicidad en el mismo lugar en el que la perdiste.”

Translation: “Stop looking for happiness in the same place where you lost it.”

The inverse meaning of the aforementioned adage, “uno siempre vuelve,” is that you shouldn’t expect to suddenly become happy in a circumstance that has always made you miserable. If something—a job, a place of residence, a person, or anything else—has only served to diminish your happiness, give up expecting it to bring you happiness again.

El orgullo no engorda, trágatelo de vez en cuando.”

Translation: “Pride does not fatten; swallow it once in a while.”

It’s essential to maintain humility in daily life. Acknowledge when it’s necessary for you to own up to your mistakes or ignorance. Keep your ego out of the way!

“Tu único límite es tu mente.”

Translation: “Your only limit is your mind.”

You can accomplish anything if you can believe it!

“Ya que estamos de paso, dejemos huellas bonitas.”

Translation: “While we’re passing through, let’s leave beautiful footprints.”

Like the saying “leave everything a little better than you found it,” this remark conveys a similar message.

“Cree en ti mismo y serás imparable.” 

Translation: “Believe in yourself and you’ll be unstoppable’. Pretty straightforward; the key to success is believing you are successful.

inspirational spanish quotes

“Podrán robarte las ideas pero nunca el talento.”

Translation: “They may steal your ideas but never your talent.”

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Keep that in mind if you ever find yourself in a situation where someone has stolen your ideas.

While you may be able to pursue the legal avenues to get things set right, you also need to remember that you are the one with the original mind. Don’t let it get you down.

“La vida es corta. Vive apasionadamente y siente la felicidad.”

Translation: “Life is short. Live passionately and feel happiness.”

A short, sweet word of wisdom. Ensure you enjoy life while you’re living it!

Funny Spanish Quotes

Discovering comedy in a foreign language is a really particular method that knowledge may make you feel happy! These are a few brief Spanish sayings that provide humorous guidance.

“Dame pan y dime tonto.”

Translation: “Give me bread and call me a fool.”

This might be a little odd and hard to understand at first. It means that as long as you’re taken care of, or as long as you’re getting what you need out of someone, they can call you whatever they want. You know what you’re doing, so it doesn’t matter if naysayers try to bring you down!

“No estoy loca, soy mentalmente divertida.”

Translation: “I’m not crazy, I’m mentally fun!”

This silly phrase can be used as a joke, especially after a situation where you might have done something a bit quirky.

inspirational spanish quotes

“Si no tardas mucho, te espero toda la vida.”

Translation: “If it doesn’t take long, I’ll wait for you all my life.”

At first, this sounds like it could be a sweet quote about never forgetting your love. Then you realize it’s a joke about only waiting if the wait isn’t actually that long.


“Si la vida te da limones…¡pide sal y tequila!”

Translation: “If life gives you lemons.. ask for salt and tequila!’

I’m sure you’ve heard ‘if life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ at least a few times in your life. Well, the Spanish version of this idea is a little more, well, Spanish!

“No saber ni papa de algo.”

Translation: “Not knowing a potato about something.”

In certain Spanish-speaking regions, especially South America and Mexico, potatoes are called ‘papas,’ not ‘patata.’ Either way, to not know ‘a potato’ about something means that you don’t know squat.

“No tener pelos en la lengua.”

Translation: “To not have hair on the tongue.”

What a strange saying! When this phrase is used, it means the person spoke frankly. They didn’t sugarcoat things or beat around the bush; they were direct and didn’t mince words.

“Quien nada sabe, de nada duda.”

Translation: “He that knows nothing, doubts nothing.”

Saying this phrase implies that ignorant people are gullible.

“Las penas con pan son menos.”

Translation: “Pain with bread is less.”

A bad situation is less bad if you have something good (probably food) with you.

“Por si las moscas.”

Translation: “For if there are flies.”

This phrase basically means ‘ just in case.’ In this case, ‘flies’ means whatever could happen that would be an inconvenience. That could be rain, an empty gas talk, a place that only takes cash… whatever it may be that you feel you need to look out for, even if it’s unlikely.

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