10 Inspirational Quotes for Those In Addiction Recovery

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

Overcoming addiction is a path replete with fortitude, tenacity, and optimism. There will be obstacles on your path, but you can attain long-lasting sobriety if you have the correct attitude and network of support.

“Don’t Let the Past Steal Your Present.”– Terri Guillemets

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“When Your Past Calls, Don’t Answer. It Has Nothing New To Say.”– Author Unknown

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“The Only Person You Are Destined To Become Is The Person You Decide To Be.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“The Goal Isn’t To Be Sober. The Goal Is To Love Yourself So Much That You Don’t Need To Drink.”– Author Unknown

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“There Is No Shame In Beginning Again, For You Get A Chance To Build Bigger And Better Than Before.”–Author Unknown

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“Experience Is Not What Happens To You, It Is What You Do With What Happens To You.”– Aldous Huxley

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“Sometimes We Motivate Ourselves By Thinking Of What We Want To Become. Sometimes We Motivate Ourselves By Thinking About Who We Don’t Ever Want To Be Again.”– Shane Neimeyer

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“People Become Attached To Their Burdens Sometimes More Than The Burdens Are Attached To Them.”– George Bernard Shaw

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“Either You Run The Day, Or The Day Runs You.”– Jim Rohn

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

“Though No One Can Go Back And Make A Brand New Start, Anyone Can Start From Now And Make A Brand New Ending.”– Carl Bard

inspirational quotes for addiction recovery

Faqs: Inspirational Quotes For Addiction Recovery

Why are motivational sayings beneficial for recovering from addiction?

A: Throughout the difficult process of rehabilitation, inspirational quotes can provide support, inspiration, and a sense of perspective. They can serve as a helpful reminder that you are not alone in your struggles with addiction, that recovery is achievable, and that many others have tread a similar journey before you.

Which motivational sayings are good for healing?

A person in recovery may find inspiration in a wide variety of quotes. A few categories are as follows:

Strong will and tenacity: sayings that highlight the resilience of the human spirit and the value of never giving up.

These quotes can help you remember to live in the now and take things day by day.

Moving forward: Sayings that inspire you to put the past behind you and concentrate on creating a better future.

Self-compassion quotes: Remind yourself to treat yourself with kindness, especially when you experience setbacks.

Where can I locate motivational sayings for beating addiction?

A plethora of print and digital materials are accessible that provide motivational sayings for individuals undergoing rehabilitation. They can also be found in books on addiction and recovery support groups.

Online resources: You can get motivational quotations from addiction treatment facilities and recovery websites by searching for “addiction recovery quotes.”

Support groups: During sessions, motivational sayings are frequently spoken.

publications: There are publications devoted to providing motivational sayings for recovering from addiction.

How can I apply motivational sayings to help me heal?

A: The following advice may help you use motivational quotes wisely during your recuperation:

Look for sayings that speak to you. Not every quote will resonate with the reader. Pick sayings that hold special importance for you.

Place them in conspicuous locations. Put quotes in prominent places where you’ll see them frequently, including on your desk, refrigerator, or mirror.

Keep your preferences in mind. Memorizing a couple of your favorite quotes can give you a little pick-me-up when you need it most.

Give them to other people. Offering support and encouragement to people who are recovering might be facilitated by sharing inspirational quotes with them.

Final Thought

Though these quotations are useful tools, keep in mind that real strength originates from inside. You are incredibly strong and intelligent. Take each day as it comes, have faith in your own abilities, and never give up on the extraordinary life you deserve.

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