The secret to a contented and joyful life is faith.

Even if you are gifted and wealthy, life will still seem like a daily struggle if you lack faith in the beauty of life and in yourself.

So how can one grow in faith? If you don’t believe in God, examine how life has previously surprised you with unexpected blessings by listening to your heart. And if you think there is a God, read your sacred text and see what speaks to you.

Increase your frequency of showing love to others, and let go of the animosity from the past. You will realize the actual meaning of faith if you allow it into your heart.

These 20 inspirational sayings about faith will encourage you to keep going forward:

faith quotes

Table of Contents

1. Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith is the conviction that everything will turn out for the best. Faith just exists; reason and evidence are not necessary. Among the most inspirational sayings on faith is this one.

2. Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. – Rabindranath Tagore

When challenges come up, we should have faith that they will ultimately result in a better life.

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3. It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself. – Muhammad Ali

We are afraid of challenges because we don’t think we can do them. Nothing can stop you if you believe in yourself.

4. I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new doors. – Joel Osteen

When we find ourselves in a bad circumstance, we frequently start to feel complacent and pessimistic. However, we fail to notice that every night brings with it a bright day.

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5. The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. – Billy Graham

Money is a tool for achieving goals. Our faith and character are what enable us to achieve great things. Money can readily manifest in our lives if we have faith in ourselves.

6. To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float. Alan Watts

Leaning into life’s flow is a key component of faith. You don’t have to second-guess every choice you make in life every day. Have faith in your inner guidance and the presence of a greater force.

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7. Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. Khalil Gibran

Doubt comes from the mind, while trust comes from the heart. To be able to experience and live in faith, we must quiet the chatter in our brains. Among the best sayings on faith is this one.

8. Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. Helen Keller

Through the force of nonviolence, Mahatma Gandhi was able to free the entire country of India. His faith in himself and in nonviolence was the reason it happened. A broken nation rose into the daylight.

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9. FAITH is sitting in the middle of the STORM OF YOUR LIFE and still being able to close your eyes and PICTURE THE SUNNY SKIES

STILL being able to FEEL THE BETTER days coming, despite the storm all around you. THAT’S FAITH! 

Everyone has setbacks, errors, and difficult life challenges. It’s important to remember to maintain our faith through good and bad times alike. Hold onto your faith. Continue to visualize it happening, because it WILL occur.

10. Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof. Khalil Gibran

Faith doesn’t require a cause for confidence. You also shouldn’t have faith in yourself. One of the best sayings on faith is this one.

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11. Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them. — Elisabeth Elliot

Whenever you attempt to believe in yourself, your mind will constantly be asking you questions. However, it is the fact that we ought to keep going on that is revealed by the light of faith.

12. Worrying is arrogant because God knows what He’s doing. —Barbara Cameron

It is useless to worry if you believe in God or some higher force. You are always in the hands of a greater power.

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13. Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths. —Charles H. Spurgeon

Our worries are not alleviated by worrying. It simply saps our vitality, makes us afraid right now, and makes today worse. The best quote on faith is this one.

14. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. Steve Jobs

Life puts all of us to the test. Some people must battle cancer, while others must face difficulties in their careers. Understanding that the human spirit is unbreakable is a sign of wisdom. So, keep going forward with confidence and take all the punches in stride.

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15.In faith, there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t. Blaise Pascal

Evidence frequently follows decision-making. People will support one another during difficult times if we choose to view the positive aspects of life. And if we decide to accept the existence of evil, we will witness terrorists destroying the globe. It’s all up to your decision. Decide to believe.

16. Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. Voltaire

You’ll be asked to defend your faith by the intellect, which will instill terror. On the other hand, faith is predicated on a heartfelt intuitive understanding.

It is scientific that faith exists; it is not some kind of esoteric belief. Research from the HeartMath institute has demonstrated that because heart intelligence is founded on connectivity, love, serenity, and a cohesive state of mind, it is superior than our cerebral intelligence.

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17. My faith helps me understand that circumstances don’t dictate my happiness, my inner peace. – Denzel Washington

Insider information is irrelevant. Your response to those situations is what counts. Situations outside of you cannot shake you while you are centered inward.

18. God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Our goal in being here is to improve the world by applying our ingenuity. We can access our creative potential when we connect with the higher power that is inherent in every human being.

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19. There are many talented people who haven’t fulfilled their dreams because they over thought it, or they were too cautious and were unwilling to make the leap of faith. James Cameron

Many people aspire to be authors, singers, and filmmakers. People, however, do not pursue their dreams because they are afraid of failure. If we dare to take a leap of faith, we will learn that our fears were unwarranted.

20. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Mahatma Gandhi

It is true that foolish politicians, global warming, and terrorists are wreaking havoc around the world. However, life provides excellent food, art, movies, travel chances, love, and happiness. Keep your trust intact.

21. The more in harmony with yourself you are, the more joyful you are and the more faithful you are. Faith is not to disconnect you from reality – it connects you to reality. Paulo Coelho

Overthinking separates you from reality. Don’t think; just be. Live your life from the heart, being lively and spontaneous.

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Q1: What is the purpose of these quotes on faith?

A: The purpose of these quotes is to inspire and motivate individuals to maintain their faith and keep moving forward, especially during challenging times. They provide emotional support and encouragement.

Q2: Who can benefit from these quotes?

A: Anyone seeking motivation, reassurance, and strength in their faith journey can benefit from these quotes. This includes individuals facing personal challenges, those experiencing doubt, and anyone looking for uplifting words to boost their spirit.

Q3: How can I use these quotes in my daily life?

A: You can use these quotes by reading them daily, writing them in a journal, sharing them with friends and family, or placing them in visible areas such as your workspace or home. They serve as daily reminders to stay positive and faithful.

Final Thoughts

Faith is a powerful force that can help individuals overcome obstacles, find purpose, and stay motivated. The “21 Empowering Quotes on Faith to Help You Keep Moving Forward” serve as a beacon of hope and strength, reminding us that even in the toughest times, faith can guide us through.

These quotes encapsulate the essence of faith, providing a sense of comfort and encouragement. They remind us that faith is not just about religious beliefs but also about trusting ourselves, believing in our potential, and having the courage to persevere.


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